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Erm... that sure is showing Christian brotherly love...? *a bit confused*

I just said I have a lot of qualms about what they do, what they told us (like not letting my mom have communion just cuz her marriage to my Baptist dad was done during a time where they didn't like marriages outside the church). You don't need to bite my head off or anything... *raises her eyebrow*

Ignore him, he's always like that.

Scripturally, I'm a Baptist. But I'm raised Catholic.

PM me if you have any questions about the Catholic faith, I'd be glad to set everything straight for you :)

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Indeed, Figurehead is too big and manly to be dealt with.

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My mom was like, a Catholic for 50 years... Cajun's are like, inborn Catholics as they say. XD Never imagined her becoming a southern Baptist like me, but she did.

But thanks for the heads up. I was trying to think of what I had done wrong... ^^;

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Will the new supercollider unlock anything new on the existance of God / a god?

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I do doubt that, Dustin. A theme/point of God from a non-Creationist viewpoint is that God created the laws of science and nature and complex English grammar items. So, from my point of view, if God made science, and science says something, what makes it a fundamental that God has to point somewhere else? There is really nothing about science that conflicts with the way I look at the existence of a god. People say that, assuming the Big Bang Theory is a postulated fact, it directly conflicts with the beliefs of anyone who things something supernatural made the universe. This is nonsense. Bullwinkle, even. I do think the Big Bang theorists generally have the right idea of what went on way back then. I also think God exists. Woooooah my klsajfklsjding gawsh, now, did I say that? Yup. God did not create Earth in six days. God never said, "Let there be light." Who's to say God didn't initiate a complex reation within a mass of intense density- a mass which then exploded and expanded into what is now the still-expanding universe, with everything in motion?

A fundamental point of God is that God is infinite. As in, God is infinite. As in, God has no limits. As in, there is nothing possible that God cannot do or be or not do or not be or think- to the extent that many verb you assign to God really don't make any sense. God doesn't think things, because that constitutes that God is doing something in the present tense that constitutes a contrary-to-fact existence that constitutes something God may want to happen, which does not happen because God does not want things. So, God is infinite, right? As in, there is nothing that is outside of God's range. God exists outside of time. With God, everything happens at one time. Think of how we exist in so many dimensions. God exists on an entirely different plane, the point of which is to be on no plane at all. It isn't possible for us to understand a fraction of God, because a fration of infinity is still infinity. This definitely supports the stalemate deal, but it's the point of God.

You should see some of the crazy astronomical research those Jesuits are doing. They have all these theories on God going; I haven't read into them fully yet, but they really integrate science and religion.

(I've used the word "God" ad nauseum here for both artistic reasons and because I'm sick and tired of capitalizing my "he"'s and sounding all holier-than-thou like that, because for some reason capitalizing your "he"'s just makes you sound like jk;ldsf I don't know. Of greater importance is the fact that I would rather not assign any third-person pronoun of the English language, since none of them fit. "He" is just there for tradition's sake, but the fact is that God is not a man or a woman or anythin that would sound right with "it." So I am sick and tired of how capital "he"'s sound, as well as being accused of what people assume is some form of sexism? The end.)

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Well, during my mathematical modeling class I was reminded of all these scientific principles that are considered absolute today but we considered crazy way back when. Plate tectonics, solar wind, etc. Even now, anyone who even tries to challenge the ideas of inter-species evolution and anthropogenic global climate change is vilified and practically blacklisted in the scientific community. This has led me to conclude that science is more dogmatic than religion is. Call me crazy, but I think the facts speak for themselves.

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The world revolves around the sun? You idiot, the sun revolves around the earth!

A circular planet you say? Madness! The world is flat.

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The world revolves around the sun? You idiot, the sun revolves around the earth!

A circular planet you say? Madness! The world is flat.


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I like to think that since we're capable of thought, despite being piles of meat, there's some kind of higher deity. That's all I can really say about that though. everything else is really pretty shaky.

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im gonna make this short and quick.....................................I'm gay. u now what i believe in.

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If you think Christ won't accept you because you're gay, you're wrong.

He doesn't expect anything from you. Only that you come to Him.

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but the bible preaches directly against homosexuality

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But Jesus directly preached forgiveness. While homosexuality is a sin, it isn't an end all. God forgives everyone as long as they own up to their sins. People have this view of God, like he's this big hard ass who won't accept any flaws in anyone. He's more like a father, someone who wants better for you, and will forgive you when you fail. He wants a relationship. The invisible, omnipotent, ever-present God wants a relationship with you. It doesn't matter who you are, or what you've done, He'll take you as you are, because He loves you.

Too many Christians today get in the habit of thinking "If I get just a little bit better, if I can stop this one sin, then God will love and forgive me" and it rubs off on non-Christians. The truth is, God loves you right now, and is willing to take you exactly as you are. He'll work on changing you if you'll admit your sin and ask for the change. The message of Christ is love, to love God and to love one another. There's no room for hate.

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Im surprised, Lionheart! I didn't think you were this tolerant!

I realise it doesn't sound like it, but thats actually a pretty big compliment. try to take it as a compliment, please. :P

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While homosexuality is a sin, it isn't an end all.

Is it funny that homosexuality is actually not a sin? The Bible never says that it's wrong to be homosexual; it says it's wrong to have homosexual sex.

He said, as he left just as mysteriously as he came.

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