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Teto gets a like and I get death threats. I'm not sure if I'm doing it wrong or not.

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If someone threatens you Sayuri, they threaten us both. Once is enough to hurt both our hearts.

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Haven't been on in a while, guess i've been a bit busy. Perhaps we might take thr mecha conversation to the anime thread?

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Every time I hear Bob Dylan say something his way of speaking makes it sound so insightful.

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Maybe I'm misunderstanding something, but if you're in say, a straight relationship, and then one of the people comes out as trans--maybe the other partner doesn't take it seriously at first or something--then starts transitioning, if the other partner had a problem enough with it to deny the other person permission, or if the person is still straight and doesn't want to be with someone of this new gender, wouldn't instability, maybe even divorce, happen anyway? If that's the case, wouldn't the law just be stating the obvious?


Also 17 isn't bad, I mean, we were literally the last country to outlaw slavery. I hope history doesn't repeat itself for similarly stupid practices. Maybe we'll gay marriage before Jamaica, or some African countries.


EDIT: Oh right, Illinois, the state some of us Hnetfolk live in, recently got same-sex marriage. I "voted" on it, since a gay friend was spreading the word asking people to sign cards to send to our whoever-it-is-that-decides-state-issues, and got a mass-produced letter from our governor congratulating similar people who wrote in telling our local government to do the right thing. Was it a petition? I don't even remember. How does state government even work...

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Posted (edited)

I think that'd be considered a petition, yeah. A bunch of people giving signatures with or without little messages attached sent to someone in a position of power for a "redress of grievances", right?

Edited by Silver Moon (see edit history)
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Yeah, then it was probably a petition that I actually signed for. It was neat. Sending the mass-produced letters is a good way to let people know they're actually making a difference. Although it may be a little bit wasteful of paper, it'd be nice if everyone knew how good it feels to actually make a difference in making things right.

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Ohio is a dumb state. It's known as the "trendsetting" state. But it doesnt really set trends. It waits til 1/3rd or half the states already legalize something and then Ohio will legalize it and then ALL the OTHER states will then fall into line. That's not trendsetting, that's puppying bandwagoning haha. At least thats how im told Ohio works. I'll probably actually notice it when marijuana legalization and gay marriage happens here. 

DR SHRUBBERY!, Teto, Cascade and 1 other like this

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If it was 'stating the obvious', why was it made a law in the first place? Why did it need to become a law? It was pretty much yet another hurdle designed to further impede trans*people from going through with the transition process. And you make it sound like divorce/dissolution of partnerships is just a simple snap of the fingers. They generally tend to take a while to accept, process and finalise, and one partner might try to not let the other leave the relationship that easily? Abusive partners exist? And whilst all that's happening, the trans* person can't actually begin transitioning until they're legally not in the partnership? And who knows how long that might take? Yeah, that's kinda shitty. nobody else other than the actual person should have the right to have a say when they can start that. And it's not a simple "but couldn't they just wait". no, they shouldn't have too.


And it's also the fact that even in relationships where the non-trans* person accepts everything, they still had to legally say they give permission for it to happen before any transitioning could take place. Isn't that.... kinda awful and ridiculous to you??? Again, it's not up to non-trans* people to decide these things. It never should've been a law in the first place.


Sorry if I sound biting but. come on. it clearly had to go. and now I feel bad for making this into an awkward debating thing. 

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nah man, Cascade you are totally right. Sometimes things like that arent super obvious, especially to use youngsters who arent in a marriage or partnership. Especially those of us who arent trans*. Explaining stuff always helps. And there is nothing wrong with a little topical passion. You didnt come off as mean or anything to me at least.

SilverAlchemic, Teto and Cascade like this

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Well no, my point wasn't that there wasn't a point in getting rid of the law. :S I was trying to point out that it was ridiculous that a law like that existed in the first place, least of all for the points I mentioned, as you've explained in more detail just now.

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Oh. I think I may have totally misread what you said, then. Admittedly I was like "wait... why would he of all people be saying that it was acceptable???" when I made that post, but clearly I did not actually think it through properly. I get annoyingly defensive when it comes to this stuff. As we all know by now. so dumb lol


Sorry for jumping on you like that :S 


u all may now return to ur scheduled talk discussions peacefully...

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