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Confront her about that then, tell her how you feel.

And then ask her if there's any chance. So that you know what to do next.

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Well I did tell her how I feel. Before I asked her out. She blushed and laughed and then said nothing because she had to go to her locker and I had to catch a bus. (Now I'm not girl expert, but... Oh screw it this will just cheer me up and you'll say something to make me feel bad.) (I was going to say she looked like she wanted to say yes.)

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I have no idea how she looked, so I can't say anything about that.

Just get her to tell you if there's a chance. You really need to know.

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I fear if I ask though that it'll bring my chances down for sounding desprate. So I don't ask. I just say things and see how she responds. Like last night when my friend said his dream that it was some combined love that we hated him. So I said, "Look at her, and look at me. It won't happen." And she said, "He's just saying that because I have a boy friend." That could mean anything, but it sounds like she was trying to disprove me.

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Like I said. Just ask. And just tell her you're just only asking to clear your head.

Tell her how you feel.

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Ok I will. However it has to appear in conversation some how. I'm not just going to bring it up for no reason. She doesn't like talking about it because I think it makes her feel bad or something.

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Good that you're going to talk to her about it. However whenever you do, I don't know when would be best. Just that you do.

Good luck (:

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Thanks, Teto. :)

I feel better now. I think I'll do it the next time my friend has some break down. I was seriously about to do that last night. I just didn't though because I pussed out like always.

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I guess it always helps when people agree that you should do it though. So I'm sure you'll do it, since we're backing you up on the idea <:

Sooo yeah hope everything does well! :D

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Well my friend said to do the same thing too. Thing is, as I said, she doesn't like talking about her not being with her bf. So she probably hasn't thought about it. Though I may try to do it though. I mean it has to be done. (I fear rejection though. Stupid normality of fear.)

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Hey guys. I've been busy a lot lately between tennis and school and a super important scholarship. So important that it could actually be the deciding factor in whether or not I go to a private school.

Also, I've been working on learning to play mandolin. I really wish my parents would let me take music lessons, in piano or guitar or mandolin. But they say it's too expensive. I don't understand that, but I've come to accept it. My mom's monthly hair appointments and sister's music lessons are more important.

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shadowknight you are great at everything anyway. Let them have their one thing.

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Sounds interesting, shadow. Though it sucks your parents won't pay for lessons.

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YLA can we please have a first name? It doesn't even have to be her real one, I'm just tired of hearing you open every post with "So, the girl that I like and me..."

Also I still want to know why you're the holder of the dark force of insanity.

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Her alias is Anna.

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