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The Legend of Zelda:The Dragon Chronicles- Part 2

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Link picked up the head of of the slain dragon. It's head was quite heavy but Link could carry it. Hyrule was not far from his location. He grabbed the head by the horn and jumped on Epona who was tied just outside of the large cave where Jastair had been born and also where he died. "Heeyah" Link yelled and he was off. The sun shining through his golden blonde hair, his cap blowing behind him, and the Master Sword swinging from his belt. The forest surrounding the cave was dense but he could just make out Hyrule Castle above the trees. There lie his home, his life, and Zelda his wife."Heeyah" he yelled once again as he broke through the last trees of the forest. He crossed the moat waving to the guards who waved back. The merchants stared at the valuable dragon head. Just one eye could be worth 400 rupees. He looked up and saw clouds fast approaching. It would rain tonight. He finally arrived at the castle he dismounted Epona and took her to the stable."Should we tell Prince Link?" he heard as he entered.He saw the stablemaster Railis talking to Zelda "Tell me what?" he asked Railis as he went over to give Zelda a kiss. "Oh.....nothing" Zelda said."He has a right to know Princess" Railis said."Fine" she replied "but you tell him i want nothing to do with this". "Your majesty-" Railis started but was cut off by Link "Call me Link" he said "Link then the Dragon Kiara is attacking several small villages all over our land. You are the best dragon slayer in Hylia save us please." Link was indecisive. Kiara was the most brutal dragon in Hylia he could just as easily Ganondorf's whole army and Ganondorf himself, without any fairies. Kiara was about half the size of Hyrule castle."I shall think about it overnight and tell you the answer tomorrow." This was a lie. Link had already made up his mind. He just needed the night to pack.

This is the second installment of my series please I would like to hear feedback so tell me what you all think

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Your fanfic awasome but short like mine but still awsome,and yes I read both.

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